Q-net Digital signage

Digital signage is a great solution to provide information in public spaces, transportation systems, museums, stadiums, retail stores, hotels, restaurants, and corporate buildings etc, This media player application is running on a dedicated PC connected to any type of LCD/LED/Plasma TV/display showing media content, the usual waiting area display information of a queue management system, news content from RSS feed, an HTML webpage and moving text. These types of content are variable in the big selection of templates, allowing great flexibility for the users.

red waves mockup 1

The application communicates via TCP/IP protocol.

The template and the content is managed remotely within the same LAN with effect on any display.

Digital Signage main features:


  •  Displays waiting area display information of the Q-net Pro queue management system
  •  Plays video files
  •  Plays slide shows
  •  Shows moving text
  •  Shows RSS feed content
  •  Shows HTML webpage
  •  Easy-to-edit templates
  •  Displays can be segmented (display groups can be created)
  •  Media file download from a central point within the WAN or LAN
  •  Centralized configuration of the opening hours in the branches
  •  Centralized configuration of the files to be played (playlists)
  •  Centralized configuration of the time period playing the files (timer)